In photos: Impressions from COP24

See what caught our attention during COP24 between 3 and 14 December

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COP24 Venue

Outside the International Congress Centre which together with the Spodek Arena is home to the main COP24 events

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Climate Hub space

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Development and Climate Days

This year’s D&C Days explored four evidences themes: resilience through empowerment, valued lived experience and local knowledge, transparency and downward accountability, and financing adaptation and managing risk.

The attendees were invited to vote for their favourite session by drawing a heart on the agenda board.

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The programme and main discussion topics were visualised on the drawing board.

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OPM consultant Bimal Regmi during Q&A session at the closing panel.

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Closing high level panel discussion brought together experts in the climate change area (L-R): Bernice Van Bronkhorst, World Bank Group; Constance Okolett, Climate Wise Women; Michelle Winthrop, Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Jagan Chapagain, IFRC; Gebru Jember Endalew, UN’s Least Developed Countries Group; Barney Dickson, Global Centre on Adaptation; Inge Vianen, CARE; Veronica N. Gundu- Jakarasi, Zimbabwe, lead negotiatior for the African Group

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Harnessing humour for climate work workshop encouraged participants to use humour when presenting their work. The interactive session included attendees acting out different emotions. Above moment comes just after participants were asked to jump around and high-five their neighbour.

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Second InsuResilience Global Partnership Forum

The Second InsuResilience Global Partnership Forum kicked off with an interactive digital session exploring the expectations of the forum and identifying gaps in the field.

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High-level speakers at the forum included the above (L-R): Dr Maria Flachsbarth, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany; Hon Brenson Wase, Minister of Finance, Republic of Marshall Islands; Carla Montesi, Director of Planet and Prosperity, DG DEVCO, European Commission

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Group photo of the representatives of participating organisations.

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The attendees were asked to support one of the three nominated projects focused on reducing our carbon footprint. The voting was conducted by placing a peg on the nominated project.

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Before breaking for afternoon workshops, the forum lead two panel discussions.

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From top to bottom:

Lessons learnt from existing schemes I Speakers (L-R): Moderator; Fabio Bedini, WFP; Sunya Orre, National Drought Management Authority, Kenya; Sucharita Mukherjee, kaleidofin India; Medhin Mekonnen, Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation, Ethiopia

The programme alliance I Speakers (L-R): Daniel Clarke, Centre for Global Disaster Protection; Dr Annette Detken, KfW Development Bank; Marc Sadler, World Bank Group; Philipp Knill, BMZ

World Climate Summit

Three panel talks at the World Climate Summit, a COP24 side event exploring how to bridge the investment gap for COP. The first day on 11 December focused on renewable energy and public-private partnerships.

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From top to bottom:

Leveraging local capabilities for a just transition I Speakers (L-R): Nicole Bockstaller, IRENA; Karol Gobczynski, IKEA Group; Hector Pollitt, Cambridge Econometrics; Aurelie Beauvais, Solar Power Europe; Linus Mofor, UN Economic Commission for Africa

Achieving clean, safe, and efficient infrastructure by 2050: exploring deep decarbonisation pathways and investment opportunities I Speakers (L-R): Teus van Beek, Wartsila; Jacek Siwinski, Velux Poland; John Kornerup Bang, Maersk; Andrea Fernandez, C40; Anthony Abbotts, ROCKWOOL Group; Claudio Alatorre, Inter-American Development Bank

Public-private partnership for low-carbon economy: how do we increase the success rate? I Speakers (l_R): Elvira Lefting, Finance in Motion; Patrick Child, Deputy Director General in DG RTD Research and Innovation, European Commission; Konrad Witczak, ROCKWOOL Poland; Jeff Swartz, South Pole; Remi Lee, TCI Co. Ltd