
Our monthly newsletter brings you a concise round-up of our latest blogs, publications, and thinking.

Previous editions:

  • April 2024
    • View from the inside: global development and the energy paradox
    • A practical guide to small area estimation (SAE) of poverty using remotely sensed variables
    • Data revolution: Transforming policymaking with social media insights
  • February 2024
    • Value for Money (VfM) – why is it important and how should it be done?
    • Unlocking the power of strategic communication in development.
    • Using satellite technology to identify methane ‘super emitter’ gas flares in Nigeria.
  • December 2023
    • Activities around COP28.
    • Our response to the UK Government's international development white paper.
    • Blueing the NDCs.
  • September 2023
    • Unravelling the debt crisis: The 2020s dilemma.
    • How data could save the SDGs: Three approaches to ending extreme poverty.
    • International Development, Where Now? Podcast: What is Local?
  • July 2023
    • Overcoming barriers to gender-responsive climate programming.
    • What funders need to know about stakeholder partnerships: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL).
    • Data and Evidence to end Extreme Poverty (DEEP) - latest research.
  • May 2023
    • Unpicking the energy paradox in South Asia and Southern Africa.
    • Empowering the future: Low-cost solutions for investing in sustainability education.
    • Pandemic, prices, and poverty.
  • March 2023
    • More dire climate warnings - so what do we do differently?
    • Shedding a light on gender inequalities and biases in the workplace.
    • What can we learn from the hidden opportunity costs of Covid-19?
  • January 2023
    • International development in 2023: the time to act is now.
    • Podcast: Time to gamble... on development?
    • Climate change does affect poverty: results from a big data analysis.
  • November 2022
    • Can the private sector plug the public sector climate funding gap?
    • Could green grids and cross border trade in renewables address the energy crisis?
    • Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC): stories of change.
  • September 2022
    • Transforming policy: sharing the achievements of two major projects.
    • Global impacts of the conflict in Ukraine.
    • What funders need to know: Technical Support Units for better health.
  • June 2022
    • Unpacking the UK Government's international development strategy.
    • OPM Tanzania Director invited to Tanzania Parliament.
    • How will the data revolution change evaluation in international development?
  • April 2022
    • Overcoming vaccine hesitancy: learning from shared experience.
    • Can better data help policymakers and communities build resilience?
    • Promoting women's economic empowerment: a webinar series
  • February 2022
    • A new podcast episode and key project report on government pandemic responses.
    • A big data approach to climate and poverty.
    • The impact of OPM's work in 2021.
  • December 2021
    • To mark UHC Day 2021, OPM joined the call for #HealthForAll.
    • Looking back at COP26.
    • A year in our Covid-19 response.
  • October 2021
    • COP26 - our priorities, thought leadership, and presence.
    • Understanding Covid-19's impact on extreme poverty - can big data help?
    • Policy in Pandemics podcast: Covid-19 in Bangladesh.
  • August 2021
    • Why achieving net zero sooner won't be so easy.
    • Adaptive management in a time of Covid-19: lessons from Pakistan.
    • Can immersive listening improve the outcomes of gender-based programming?
  • June 2021
    • How can we finance the post-Covid-19 recovery?
    • Reimagining technical assistance over coffee.
    • A guide to quantitative impact evaluations.
  • April 2021
    • Making Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) work for global development.
    • Building a resilient frontline health workforce in India.
    • Impact of Covid-19 on non-state schools in Pakistan.
  • February 2021
    • Post-Covid recovery: the role of bilateral donors in supporting multilateral finance.
    • Eight lessons for remote qualitative data collection.
    • Overcoming barriers to Covid-19 vaccination.
  • December 2020
    • Interactive covid-19 decision support tool.
    • After the pandemic: the economic impact on low-income countries.
    • Guide to epidemiological modelling of Covid-19.
  • October 2020
    • How to adapt impact evaluations during Covid-19.
    • Covid Act Two: six questions governments and leaders need to answer.
    • Economic Development & Institutions (EDI) Covid essays.
  • September 2020
    • What can we learn about policy implementation from the covid crisis?
    • Economic threats to low-income countries.
    • South Africa’s preschools are under threat – what can be done?
  • August 2020
    • Covid Act Two: Look beyond your borders to navigate what comes next.
    • Core competencies and public health managers.
    • Will Covid-19 mean the end of low-fee private schools?
  • July 2020
    • After the pandemic: a global UK?
    • Covid in Africa: a smouldering crisis.
    • Governance in a joined-up world? The UK's DFID/FCO merger.
  • June 2020
    • Policy in Pandemics podcast.
    • Effective teams in uncertain environments.
    • Insights from modelling policy options.
  • May 2020
    • Five lessons for local government.
    • Cases, deaths, and lock-downs.
    • OPM pivots support in Pakistan.